Seriously, here is a quality answer to your question about what you should take when you can't go to sleep at night...
I am 70 years old. I've had a heart attack and quintuple bypass heart surgery. Last year I had a defibrelator / pacemaker installed. I take a half dozen pills each night that include aspirin, and three different heart medications. So needless to say, I must be very careful about what I eat and drink. A half grapefruit can kill me - seriously.
For several months I had been having a very rough time going to sleep at night. Being involved with AAWA and being the focus of a lot of criticism over that association, being slandered by Randy Watters after spending money and hundreds of hours setting up for him, and being abused by the Menlo Park elders and their spokesman, "John Steel," after supporting them for nearly two years and publicizing their case - I was pretty stressed out. Cap that off by being told by another well-known ex-JW spokesperson that I had befriended, spent time with, and even provided with funds for special purposes that I should not call or email ever again. All of that tends to take the wind out of your sails and make you lose both your enthusiasm for the cause but also a lot of sleep.
Even going to bed at 3 AM after a full day of mental and physical exercise could not defeat all of the demons in my head and let me get some sleep. I would toss and turn, doze off and then wake up again within minutes and then my mind would start working all over again.
I had to find a solution to find a way to go to sleep.
One day while at my cardiologist for a regular checkup, he asked if I was having any pain, cramps, etc. I told him that I could not go to sleep at night and it was wearing me down. Without a moment's hesitation he turned to his assistant and said, write him a prescription for Melatonin. Then he told me that I didn't need the prescription because it was available over-the-counter. The prescription was just a tool for me to remember what to look for. He assured me that even with all of my health problems that I could take 5mg of Melatonin every night 30 minutes to an hour before going to bed and I would sleep like a baby. And there would be no negative side effects, even with my other medications and advanced health problems.
I went to my pharmacy and bought some rather expensive 3mg capsules that worked. But then I went to my local Safeway store and found some 5mg capsules that were very cheap, about $8 per bottle of 70 (NatureMade). I later found an even better deal on Amazon for that same brand with 103 capsules per bottle and 3 bottles for less than $25 (shipped free with Prime).
Beyond the minimal expense - they work - boy do they work! Not only that, but even on nights when I don't take a pill I find sleep comes on quicker (some residual effect because some of the medication remains in the blood stream.
Although my cardiologist assures me that there is nothing in Melatonin at over-the-counter dosages that can harm me, you, of course - should you be on special medications or have an unusual medical condition - should confirm with your own physician that Melatonin would be a safe solution to your sleeplessness.
Very few OTC medications other than Melatonin and Loratidine (for allergy) really work for me - but they both do and amazingly well.
That's my story and my suggestion. You may now resume slinging arrows in my direction and call me nasty names. I'll just crawl into bed and pull up the covers...